Consumer engagement is an active process of participation that improves decision making, increases satisfaction and awareness of our services and brings into focus voices that might otherwise go unheard.

Helping Hand is highly regarded for our genuine, inclusive and innovative approach to consumer engagement. We never assume we know what someone needs or wants. We ask, we listen, and we respond. And then we repeat, as needs and wants constantly change and it’s important that we continue to connect and listen to our community.

Consumer engagement can take many forms and be delivered in many ways. At Helping Hand, we ensure that every activity undertaken respects the dignity of all participants and is delivered in a safe space to encourage the highest possible levels of engagement.

Helping Hand Consumer Advisory Body

In January 2024 we created a new Helping Hand Consumer Advisory Body (CAB).
Our CAB members include clients, residents and family members who bring a range of experiences, expertise and focus, enabling a co-design approach to embed sustainable changes.

The CAB meet regularly throughout the year and assist in our engagement with residents, clients and families to ensure the consumer voice is authentically reflected in major organisational decisions and projects.

Please watch the short video below to find out more about our approach to Consumer engagement and the role of the CAB.